A world of tips and tricks

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Hacking someone by knowing his IP (many tricks packed in one)

Hi guys. First of all, I want to say that I didn't make this tutorial myself, I found it on Hacking Library This is really a long tutorial. Initially i didn't wanted to post this, but on a lot of requests i finally decided to post this. If it's not authorized to post this kinda tutorials here, or if it has already been post, then I'm sorry to say useless things : )
the tutorial looks like that :

1. Welcome to the basic NETBIOS document created by aCId_rAIn. This document will teach you some simple things about NETBIOS, what it does, how to use it, how to hack with it, and some other simple DOS commands that will be useful to you in the future. THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR NEWBIEZ ONLY!!! If you are NOT a newbie then don't go any farther reading this because if you're smart enough you probably already know it all. So don't waste yourt time reading something that you already know.

1. Hardware and Firmware

1a. The BIOS
The BIOS, short for Basic Input/Output Services, is the control program of the PC. It is responsible for starting up your computer, transferring control of the system to your operating system, and for handling other low-level functions, such as disk access.
NOTE that the BIOS is not a software program, insofar as it is not purged from memory when you turn off the computer. It's
firmware, which is basically software on a chip. 
A convenient little feature that most BIOS manufacturers include is a startup password. This prevents access to the system until you enter the correct password.
If you can get access to the system after the password has been entered, then there are numerous software-based BIOS password extractors available from your local H/P/A/V site. 
NETBIOS/NBTSTAT - What does it do?

2. NETBIOS, also known as NBTSTAT is a program run on the Windows system and is used for identifying a remote network or computer for file sharing enabled. We can expoit systems using this method. It may be old but on home pc's sometimes it still works great. You can use it on your friend at home or something. I don't care what you do, but remember, that you are reading this document because you want to learn. So I am going to teach you. Ok. So, you ask, "How do i get to NBTSTAT?" Well, there are two ways, but one's faster.
Method 1:Start>Programs>MSDOS PROMPT>Type NBTSTAT
Method 2:Start>Run>Type Command>Type NBTSTAT
(Note: Please, help your poor soul if that isn't like feeding you with a baby spoon.)
Ok! Now since you're in the DOS command under NBTSTAT, you're probably wondering what all that crap is that's on your screen. These are the commands you may use. I'm only going to give you what you need to know since you are striving to be l33t. Your screen should look like the following:

NBTSTAT [ [-a RemoteName] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n]
[-r] [-R] [-RR] [-s] [-S] [interval] ]
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
-c (cache) Lists NBT's cache of remote [machine] names and their IP addresses
-n (names) Lists local NetBIOS names.
-r (resolved) Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS
-R (Reload) Purges and reloads the remote cache name table
-S (Sessions) Lists sessions table with the destination IP addresses
-s (sessions) Lists sessions table converting destination IP addresses to computer NETBIOS names.
-RR (ReleaseRefresh) Sends Name Release packets to WINS and then, starts Refresh
RemoteName Remote host machine name.
IP address Dotted decimal representation of the IP address.
interval Redisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display. Press Ctrl+C to stop redisplaying
The only two commands that are going to be used and here they are:
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
Host Names

3. Now, the -a means that you will type in the HOST NAME of the person's computer that you are trying to access. Just in case you don't have any idea what a Host Name looks like here's an example.
there are many variations of these adresses. For each different address you see there is a new ISP assigned to that computer. look at the difference.
these are differnet host names as you can see, and, by identifying the last couple words you will be able to tell that these are two computers on two different ISPs. Now, here are two host names on the same ISP but a different located server.
IP Addresses
4. You can resolce these host names if you want to the IP address (Internet Protocol)
IP addresses range in different numbers. An IP looks like this:
Most times you can tell if a computer is running on a cable connection because of the IP address's numbers. On faster connections, usually the first two numbers are low. here's a cable connection IP.
on dialup connections IP's are higher, like this:
notice the 208 is higher than the 24 which is the cable connection.
Some companies make IP addresses like this to fool the hacker into believing it's a dialup, as a hacker would expect something big, like a T3 or an OC-18. Anyway This gives you an idea on IP addresses which you will be using on the nbtstat command.
Getting The IP Through DC (Direct Connection)
5. First. You're going to need to find his IP or host name. Either will work. If you are on mIRC You can get it by typing /whois (nick) ...where (nick) is the persons nickname without parenthesis. you will either get a host name or an IP. copy it down. If you do not get it or you are not using mIRC then you must direct connect to their computer or you may use a sniffer to figure out his IP or host name. It's actually better to do it without the sniffer because most sniffers do not work now-a-days. So you want to establish a direct connection to their computer. OK, what is a direct connection? When you are:
Sending a file to their computer you are directly connected.
AOL INSTANT MESSENGER allows a Direct Connection to the user if accepted.
ICQ when sending a file or a chat request acception allows a direct connection.
Any time you are sending a file. You are directly connected. (Assuming you know the user is not using a proxy server.)
Voice Chatting on Yahoo establishes a direct connection.
If you have none of these programs, either i suggest you get one, get a sniffer, or read this next statement.
If you have any way of sending thema link to your site that enables site traffic statistics, and you can log in, send a link to your site, then check the stats and get the IP of the last visitor. It's a simple and easy method i use. It even fool some smarter hackers, because it catches them off guard. Anyway, once you are directly
connected use either of the two methods i showed you earlier and get into DOS. Type NETSTAT -n. NETSTAT is a program that's name is short for NET STATISTICS. It will show you all computers connected to yours. (This is also helpful if you think you are being hacked by a trojan horse and is on a port that you know such as Sub Seven: 27374.) Your screen should look like this showing the connections to your computer:
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
The first line indicated the Protocol (language) that is being used by the two computers.
TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is being used in this and is most widely used.
Local address shows your IP address, or the IP address of the system you on.
Foreign address shows the address of the computer connected to yours.
State tells you what kind of connection is being made ESTABLISHED - means it will stay connected to you as long as you are on the program or as long as the computer is allowing or is needing the other computers connection to it. CLOSE_WAIT means the connection closes at times and waits until it is needed or you resume connection to be made again. One that isn't on the list is TIME_WAIT which means it is timed. Most Ads that run on AOL are using TIME_WAIT states.
the way you know the person is directly connected to your computer is because of this:
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP abc-123-ppp.webnet.com ESTABLISHED
Notice the host name is included in the fourth line instead of the IP address on all. This is almost ALWAYS, the other computer that is connected to you. So here, now, you have the host name:
If the host name is not listed and the IP is then it NO PROBLEM because either one works exactly the same. I am using abc-123-ppp.webnet.com host name as an example. Ok so now you have the IP and/or host name of the remote system you want to connect to. Time to hack!
Open up your DOS command. Open up NBTSTAT by typing NBTSTAT. Ok, there's the crap again. Well, now time to try out what you have leanred from this document by testing it on the IP and/or host name of the remote system. Here's the only thing you'll need to know.
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
Remember this?
Time to use it.
-a will be the host name
-A will be the IP
How do i know this?
Read the Statements following the -a -A commands. It tells you there what each command takes.
So have you found which one you have to use?
Time to start.
Using it to your advantage
6. Type this if you have the host name only.
NBTSTAT -a (In here put in hostname without parenthesis)
Type this is you have the IP address only.
NBTSTAT -A (In here put in IP address without parenthesis)
Now, hit enter and wait. Now Either one of two things came up
1. Host not found
2. Something that looks like this:
NetBIOS Local Name Table
Name Type Status
GMVPS01 <00> UNIQUE Registered
WORKGROUP <00> GROUP Registered
GMVPS01 <03> UNIQUE Registered
GMVPS01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
WORKGROUP <1e> GROUP Registered
If the computer responded "Host not found" Then either one of two things are the case:
1. You screwed up the host name.
2. The host is not hackable.
If number one is the case you're in great luck. If two, This system isn't hackable using the NBTSTAT command. So try another system.
If you got the table as above to come up, look at it carefully as i describe to you each part and its purpose.
Name - states the share name of that certain part of the computer
<00>, <03>, <20>, <1e> - Are the Hexidecimal codes giving you the services available on that share name.
Type - Is self-explanatory. It's either turned on, or activated by you, or always on.
Status - Simply states that the share name is working and is activated.
Look above and look for the following line:
GMVPS01 <20> UNIQUE Registered
See it?
GOOD! Now this is important so listen up. The Hexidecimanl code of <20> means that file sharing is enabled on the share name that is on that line with the hex number. So that means GMVPS01 has file sharing enabled. So now you want to hack this. Here's How to do it. (This is the hard part)
7. There is a file in all Windows systems called LMHOST.sam. We need to simply add the IP into the LMHOST file because LMHOST basically acts as a network, automatically logging you on to it. So go to Start, Find, FIles or Folders. Type in LMHOST and hit enter. when it comes up open it using a text program such as wordpad, but make sure you do not leave the checkmark to "always open files with this extension" on that. Simply go through the LMHOST file until you see the part:
# This file is compatible with Microsoft LAN Manager 2.x TCP/IP lmhosts
# files and offers the following extensions:
# #PRE
# #DOM:
# \0xnn (non-printing character support)
# Following any entry in the file with the characters "#PRE" will cause
# the entry to be preloaded into the name cache. By default, entries are
# not preloaded, but are parsed only after dynamic name resolution fails.
# Following an entry with the "#DOM:" tag will associate the
# entry with the domain specified by . This affects how the
# browser and logon services behave in TCP/IP environments. To preload
# the host name associated with #DOM entry, it is necessary to also add a
# #PRE to the line. The is always preloaded although it will not
# be shown when the name cache is viewed.
# Specifying "#INCLUDE " will force the RFC NetBIOS (NBT)
# software to seek the specified and parse it as if it were
# local. is generally a UNC-based name, allowing a

# centralized lmhosts file to be maintained on a server.
# It is ALWAYS necessary to provide a mapping for the IP address of the
# server prior to the #INCLUDE. This mapping must use the #PRE directive.
# In addtion the share "public" in the example below must be in the
# LanManServer list of "NullSessionShares" in order for client machines to
# be able to read the lmhosts file successfully. This key is under
# \machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\lanmans erver\parameters\nullsessionshares
# in the registry. Simply add "public" to the list found there.
# The #BEGIN_ and #END_ALTERNATE keywords allow multiple #INCLUDE
# statements to be grouped together. Any single successful include
# will cause the group to succeed.
# Finally, non-printing characters can be embedded in mappings by
# first surrounding the NetBIOS name in quotations, then using the
# \0xnn notation to specify a hex value for a non-printing character.
Read this over and over until you understand the way you want your connection to be set. Here's an example of how to add an IP the way I would do it:
Pre will preload the connection as soon as you log on to the net. DOM is the domain or IP address of the host you are connecting to. INCLUDE will automaticall set you to that file path. In this case as soon as I log on to the net I will get access to on the C:/ drive. The only problem with this is that by doin the NETSTAT command while you are connected, and get the IP of your machine. That's why it only works on simple PC machines. Because people in these days are computer illiterate and have no idea of what these commands can do. They have no idea what NETSTAT is, so you can use that to your advantage. Most PC systems are kind of hard to hack using this method now because they are more secure and can tell when another system is trying to gain access. Also, besure that you (somehow) know whether they are running a firewall or not because it will block the connection to their computer. Most home systems aren't running a firewall, and to make it better, they don't know how operate the firewall, therefore, leaving the hole in the system. To help you out some, it would be a great idea to pick up on some programming languages to show you how the computer reads information and learn some things on TCP/IP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) If you want to find out whether they are running a firewall, simply hop on a Proxy and do a port scan on their IP. You will notice if they are running a firewall because most ports are closed. Either way, you still have a better chance of hacking a home system than hacking Microsoft.
Gaining Access
7. Once you have added this to you LMHOST file. You are basically done. All you need to do is go to:
Once you get there you simply type the IP address or the host name of the system. When it comes up, simply double click it, and boom! There's a GUI for you so you don't have to use DOS anymore. You can use DOS to do it, but it's more simple and fun this way, so that's the only way i put it. When you open the system you can edit, delete, rename, do anything to any file you wish. I would also delete the command file in C:/ because they may use it if they think someone is in their computer. Or simply delete the shortcut to it. Then here's when the programming comes in handy. Instead of using the NBTSTAT method all the time, you can then program you own trojan on your OWN port number and upload it to the system. Then you will have easier access and you will also have a better GUI, with more features. DO NOT allow more than one connection to the system unless they are on a faster connection. If you are downloading something from their computer and they don't know it and their connection is being slow, they may check their NETSTAT to see what is connected, which will show your IP and make them suspicious. Thats it. All there is to it. Now go out and scan a network or something and find a computer with port 21 or something open.





A firewall is a software system that will handle outgoing and incoming Internet connections of your computer. You’ll be able to clearly use the one engineered into Windows by default, however this can be by no means the foremost Efficient. i will like to recommend Comodo Firewall which is free and straightforward to use. Using Firewall is just one of Computer Security tip that i want to mention


There are obvious reasons to use Anti virus Programs, but there are People that don’t have any antivirus or those who have, they have not upgraded thier antivirus since their permit has lapsed.. However there are quite powerful free antivirus Available. One must Install Antivirus to Protect and Keep thier Computer Secure.


New vulnerabilities are found in software system or operative systems like Windows each day. So one must always updates thier software system. Keeping your installed Softwares upto date is Important, as it will Keep hackers away from breaking into your System and its Said that any upto date program Works smooth without any glitch.


Users like you and me use too weak  passwords that are very simple to detect for hackers, there are so many software which will try all Possible Combinations to Crack your Password, this is known as Bruteforce technique .  If your secret word(password) Consists of just 4 or 5 characters, it will easily discover it.
Your Password becomes harder to crack if it consists of 8 or 9 characters which also includes numbers, letters and special characters.To check the strength of your Password, there are plenty tools over internet. This is an important Computer Security tip that everyone must Consider.


Most common mistake people make is that they use same password everywhere over internet. Yes, its very hard to remember passwords for all accounts but its highly advisible to have different passwords for different accounts.
  • Finally, Abstain from getting hacked,  Always beware while Browsing Internet, don’t transfer and install everything and anything on your PC or Laptop.
  • Always check the sources of software system and websites that you just use to download programs.
  • Don’t be silly and amateur hackers won’t be able to do  anything to you (while serious and skilled hackers will not have any interest to hack you)
Do you have any Computer Security tip that you will like to share ? Feel free to comment below.



Today I will be Sharing some cool tricks and tweaks by which you will be able to Speed up Chrome browser. Do you know that experts which are sitting at future mark says that Google chrome is one of the fastest internet browser. Rightly said, As you have already experience while using google chrome that it really works faster and smoother compared to other internet browser. Google chrome uses DNS prefetching and speedy (SPDY) protocols instead of simply using HTTP. These DNS prefetching and SPDY protocols load up your page in advance so that you need not to wait for more time.



I can bet you that you are using many plugins which are generally not in your use. To work faster and smoother on your chrome browser you must have some selected plugins installed. Too much plugins can slow up your browsing speed. Follow the steps below and start removing your extra plugins from your browser.
1. Open your chrome browser and go to the following address
2. Uncheck the plugins which are not in your use. You can also delete these plugins unwanted plugins. Understand that you may not be able to delete or uninstall these plugins,you can only disable them
Note: Be very careful while unchecking or deleting your unwanted plugins because there are many plugins which are responsible for the performance of your browser. You may not want to disable plugins like flash because many web sites use flash to display web pages.


You might wonder if Plugins and extensions are almost similar to each other?  Plugins are usually a third party programs which are needed to enhance the speed and performance of your browser but other than this extensions are specifically needed for browsers.
These Extensions really slows up your browser and can affect your browsing speed very badly. To avoid this thing you just need to follow the below steps carefully :-
1. Open your chrome browser and type the following address in the address bar
To check the full list of extensions installed in your browser, simply Click on Wrench icon on your toolbar, navigate to Tools and then click on Extensions.
2. You will now going to see an extensions list which is supporting your browser.
3. Simply uncheck the extensions which are not needed or just delete those extensions which are not needed in future.
You will surely see some changes in your browsing speed as you delete those extensions from your browser.


You already know that if you browse any website, chrome automatically collects the cached text, cookies and other kinds of website data. That is why when we click again on that website address it consumes less time for loading that web page.
Although cached and cookies are really made to speed up chrome browser but sometimes it happens that they are responsible for decreasing your browsing speed and lagging.
Following steps will be helping you in clearing your browsing data:-
1. Click on Control and customize chrome button or Wrench icon as i mentioned earlier.
2. Choose Tools > Clear browsing data.
3. Simply, choose the time range and other types of  extra features which are listed below in that dialog box, hit Clear browsing  data.

How to combine two Wifi Connections to get a faster Internet

How to combine two Wifi Connections to get a faster Internet


You have more than one active internet connections and you are using only one at a time, while the other is resting? Don't let it be lazy. Combine them all to get combined internet speed. Say you have two connections of 1 Mbps each, you just can make 1+1=2. This can work regardless of the type of the connections, i.e. it may be wired, wireless or mobile communication.

Method 1 of 4: Combining LANs

1. Turn everything on your computer, modems (in case of DSL).

2. Connect them on the relative ports.

3. Establish Connections. Dial or do whatever you need to do to establish an Internet connection and test each one by one separately. If all good proceed to the next step.

4. While each one is active and connected, navigate to the "Network Devices" folder of your computer. It usually stays under control panel.

Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, press Windows D to navigate to the desktop, and the rest is the same as windows 7 below.

For Windows 7 and Vista, Click the network icon on the task bar-> then click \ Open Network and Sharing Center\ . Then click \ Change Adapter settings\

5. Review the Connections. Review the window showing all of your network connections.

6. Drag and select. Drag and select Active LAN (Wired, Wireless or DSL Modem) connections.

7. Right click on one of the selected-> click "Bridge Connections." Then wait and a network bridge with different icon will appear. You might have to provide administrative right.

*Method 2 of 4: Load Balancing*
If you connect 2 internet connection to Windows at a time, the operating system automatically selects one connection as primary and uses others as as failover connection mode. You can force Windows 7, 8 to use both connections simultaneously using a simple trick.

►Open Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings
►Go to properties of any of your active Internet connection whether it be LAN, WiFi or 3G/4G.
►Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP Version 4, Open its properties, then go to advanced.
►Uncheck the Automatic Metric and type “15”.
►Repeat same steps on other Internet connections you want to combine.
►Restart your Computer.

Method 3 of 4:Using Connectify Hotspot
►Download the Connectify Dispatch
►Install the Dispatch software.
►Run. Then click "Start Dispatch".
►Connect all your modems or network connections

Method 4 of 4: Using Speedify
►Speedify is a new cloud service from the makers of Connectify, that lets you easily combine multiple WiFi, 3G/4G, and wired networks to create one faster and more reliable Internet connection.
►Visit [www.speedify.com] to begin your free, 3-day trial. Once your trial has started, you will receive an email with your login and a download link for the Speedify client software (for Mac OS X+ & PC)
►Install the Speedify software and then simply enter the email and password that you received from Speedify to log into the Speedify server netwok
►Click the 'Speed Me Up' button to log in. Speedify will automatically connect you to the nearest and fastest Speed Server to ensure that you get the maximum speed and reliability of your Internet connections combined.
►Now, just ensure that you have two or more WiFi, mobile broadband, or wired Internet connections active on your computer, and Speedify does the rest:
►Connect all your modems or network connections.

Don't forget to follow blog



If you are unable to Find lost Smartphone and you haven’t loaded any app into your smartphone then you need not to worry as there is one method using which we can find your lost Android smartphone and that is by using Google’s Android Device Manager. If your phone is stolen or you have misplaced it anywhere in your home you can use Google’s Android Device Manger to find it.

All the Android smartphones come with Google Play installed in it. When you use Google Play for the first time on your Android smartphone or even on your tablet, Google installs Android device manager in your smartphone or tablet without your knowledge.


Follow the steps below to activate Android device manager on your smartphone or tablet.
  •  Go to Settings
  •  Then move to Security
  •  Then move to Device Administrators
  • You will see some apps there and the first one would be Android Device Manager
  •  Tap on it and Activate it
Once you have activated Android device manager on your smartphone, you need to go to your web browser and follow the steps to find your lost Android device.
Visit the Google Play home by clicking on this link
  • You will see a Gear icon on the top right corner
  • Click on it and you will see Android device manager
  •  Click on Android device manager
  •  Once Android device manager is opened in your web browser it will automatically contact your device. The map of your country will be displayed on your web browser.
  •  Once Android Device Manager has located your smartphone you will see its location on Google Maps and the distance it is away from you right now.
Now you will have  three options there.


This feature will ring your smartphone at fill volume for 5 minutes even if it is silent. Unfortunately the device won’t ring if it is switched off.


This feature will lock your Android smartphone and will be provided a new password to access it. You can set your desired password on your lost smartphone.


Using this feature all the data which is present in your Android smartphone will be deleted which will include images, music or other files. However it won’t delete the contents of your SD card and Android device manager won’t work once you have erased all the data. It will Factory reset your smartphone.


If you are looking for an app which can find lost Smartphone then we suggest you to check Android Lost, a great app which will remotely control your lost Android smartphone.
Alternatively to Find lost Smartphone you can always have Find my Phone as a Secondary Option.

What is SQL injection?

SQL Injection

SQL injection is an attack in which malicious code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution. Any 9 that constructs SQL statements should be reviewed for injection vulnerabilities because SQL Server will execute all syntactically valid queries that it receives. Even parameterized data can be manipulated by a skilled and determined attacker.
The primary form of SQL injection consists of direct insertion of code into user-input variables that are concatenated with SQL commands and executed. A less direct attack injects malicious code into strings that are destined for storage in a table or as metadata. When the stored strings are subsequently concatenated into a dynamic SQL command, the malicious code is executed.
The injection process works by prematurely terminating a text string and appending a new command. Because the inserted command may have additional strings appended to it before it is executed, the malefactor terminates the injected string with a comment mark "--". Subsequent text is ignored at execution time.
The following script shows a simple SQL injection. The script builds an SQL query by concatenating hard-coded strings together with a string entered by the user:
var Shipcity;
ShipCity = Request.form ("ShipCity");
var sql = "select * from OrdersTable where ShipCity = '" + ShipCity + "'";
The user is prompted to enter the name of a city. If she enters Redmond, the query assembled by the script looks similar to the following:
SELECT * FROM OrdersTable WHERE ShipCity = 'Redmond'
However, assume that the user enters the following:
Redmond'; drop table OrdersTable--
In this case, the following query is assembled by the script:
SELECT * FROM OrdersTable WHERE ShipCity = 'Redmond';drop table OrdersTable--'
The semicolon (;) denotes the end of one query and the start of another. The double hyphen (--) indicates that the rest of the current line is a comment and should be ignored. If the modified code is syntactically correct, it will be executed by the server. When SQL Server processes this statement, SQL Server will first select all records in OrdersTable where ShipCity is Redmond. Then, SQL Server will drop OrdersTable.
As long as injected SQL code is syntactically correct, tampering cannot be detected programmatically. Therefore, you must validate all user input and carefully review code that executes constructed SQL commands in the server that you are using. Coding best practices are described in the following sections in this topic.

Validate All Input

Always validate user input by testing type, length, format, and range. When you are implementing precautions against malicious input, consider the architecture and deployment scenarios of your application. Remember that programs designed to run in a secure environment can be copied to an nonsecure environment. The following suggestions should be considered best practices:
  • Make no assumptions about the size, type, or content of the data that is received by your application. For example, you should make the following evaluation:
    • How will your application behave if an errant or malicious user enters a 10-megabyte MPEG file where your application expects a postal code?
    • How will your application behave if a DROP TABLE statement is embedded in a text field?
  • Test the size and data type of input and enforce appropriate limits. This can help prevent deliberate buffer overruns.
  • Test the content of string variables and accept only expected values. Reject entries that contain binary data, escape sequences, and comment characters. This can help prevent script injection and can protect against some buffer overrun exploits.
  • When you are working with XML documents, validate all data against its schema as it is entered.
  • Never build Transact-SQL statements directly from user input.
  • Use stored procedures to validate user input.
  • In multitiered environments, all data should be validated before admission to the trusted zone. Data that does not pass the validation process should be rejected and an error should be returned to the previous tier.
  • Implement multiple layers of validation. Precautions you take against casually malicious users may be ineffective against determined attackers. A better practice is to validate input in the user interface and at all subsequent points where it crosses a trust boundary.
    For example, data validation in a client-side application can prevent simple script injection. However, if the next tier assumes that its input has already been validated, any malicious user who can bypass a client can have unrestricted access to a system.
  • Never concatenate user input that is not validated. String concatenation is the primary point of entry for script injection.
  • Do not accept the following strings in fields from which file names can be constructed: AUX, CLOCK$, COM1 through COM8, CON, CONFIG$, LPT1 through LPT8, NUL, and PRN.
When you can, reject input that contains the following characters.
Query delimiter.
Character data string delimiter.
Comment delimiter.
/* ... */
Comment delimiters. Text between /* and */ is not evaluated by the server.
Used at the start of the name of catalog-extended stored procedures, such as xp_cmdshell.

Use Type-Safe SQL Parameters

The Parameters collection in SQL Server provides type checking and length validation. If you use the Parameters collection, input is treated as a literal value instead of as executable code. An additional benefit of using the Parameters collection is that you can enforce type and length checks. Values outside the range will trigger an exception. The following code fragment shows using the Parameters collection:
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("AuthorLogin", conn);
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter parm = myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id",
     SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
parm.Value = Login.Text;
In this example, the @au_id parameter is treated as a literal value instead of as executable code. This value is checked for type and length. If the value of @au_id does not comply with the specified type and length constraints, an exception will be thrown.

Use Parameterized Input with Stored Procedures

Stored procedures may be susceptible to SQL injection if they use unfiltered input. For example, the following code is vulnerable:
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = 
new SqlDataAdapter("LoginStoredProcedure '" + 
                               Login.Text + "'", conn);
If you use stored procedures, you should use parameters as their input.

Use the Parameters Collection with Dynamic SQL

If you cannot use stored procedures, you can still use parameters, as shown in the following code example:
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM Authors WHERE au_id = @au_id", conn);
SQLParameter parm = myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", 
                        SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
Parm.Value = Login.Text;

Filtering Input

Filtering input may also be helpful in protecting against SQL injection by removing escape characters. However, because of the large number of characters that may pose problems, this is not a reliable defense. The following example searches for the character string delimiter.
private string SafeSqlLiteral(string inputSQL)
  return inputSQL.Replace("'", "''");

LIKE Clauses

Note that if you are using a LIKE clause, wildcard characters still must be escaped:
s = s.Replace("[", "[[]");
s = s.Replace("%", "[%]");
s = s.Replace("_", "[_]");

Reviewing Code for SQL Injection

You should review all code that calls EXECUTE, EXEC, or sp_executesql. You can use queries similar to the following to help you identify procedures that contain these statements. This query checks for 1, 2, 3, or 4 spaces after the words EXECUTE or EXEC.
SELECT object_Name(id) FROM syscomments
OR UPPER(text) LIKE '%EXECUTE    (%'
OR UPPER(text) LIKE '%EXEC (%'
OR UPPER(text) LIKE '%EXEC  (%'
OR UPPER(text) LIKE '%EXEC   (%'
OR UPPER(text) LIKE '%EXEC    (%'

Wrapping Parameters with QUOTENAME() and REPLACE()

In each selected stored procedure, verify that all variables that are used in dynamic Transact-SQL are handled correctly. Data that comes from the input parameters of the stored procedure or that is read from a table should be wrapped in QUOTENAME() or REPLACE(). Remember that the value of @variable that is passed to QUOTENAME() is of sysname, and has a maximum length of 128 characters.
Name of a securable
String of ≤ 128 characters
QUOTENAME(@variable, '''')
String of > 128 characters
REPLACE(@variable,'''', '''''')
When you use this technique, a SET statement can be revised as follows:
SET @temp = N'select * from authors where au_lname='''
+ @au_lname + N''''
SET @temp = N'select * from authors where au_lname='''
+ REPLACE(@au_lname,'''','''''') + N''''

Injection Enabled by Data Truncation

Any dynamic Transact-SQL that is assigned to a variable will be truncated if it is larger than the buffer allocated for that variable. An attacker who is able to force statement truncation by passing unexpectedly long strings to a stored procedure can manipulate the result. For example, the stored procedure that is created by the following script is vulnerable to injection enabled by truncation.
@loginname sysname,
@old sysname,
@new sysname
-- Declare variable.
-- Note that the buffer here is only 200 characters long.
DECLARE @command varchar(200)
-- Construct the dynamic Transact-SQL.
-- In the following statement, we need a total of 154 characters
-- to set the password of 'sa'.
-- 26 for UPDATE statement, 16 for WHERE clause, 4 for 'sa', and 2 for
-- quotation marks surrounded by QUOTENAME(@loginname):
-- 200 – 26 – 16 – 4 – 2 = 154.
-- But because @new is declared as a sysname, this variable can only hold
-- 128 characters.
-- We can overcome this by passing some single quotation marks in @new.
SET @command= 'update Users set password=' + QUOTENAME(@new, '''') + ' where username=' + QUOTENAME(@loginname, '''') + ' AND password = ' + QUOTENAME(@old, '''')
-- Execute the command.
EXEC (@command)
By passing 154 characters into a 128 character buffer, an attacker can set a new password for sa without knowing the old password.
EXEC sp_MySetPassword 'sa', 'dummy', '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
For this reason, you should use a large buffer for a command variable or directly execute the dynamic Transact-SQL inside the EXECUTE statement.

Truncation When QUOTENAME(@variable, '''') and REPLACE() Are Used

Strings that are returned by QUOTENAME() and REPLACE() will be silently truncated if they exceed the space that is allocated. The stored procedure that is created in the following example shows what can happen.
@loginname sysname,
@old sysname,
@new sysname
-- Declare variables.
DECLARE @login sysname
DECLARE @newpassword sysname
DECLARE @oldpassword sysname
DECLARE @command varchar(2000)
-- In the following statements, the data stored in temp variables
-- will be truncated because the buffer size of @login, @oldpassword,
-- and @newpassword is only 128 characters, but QUOTENAME() can return
-- up to 258 characters.
SET @login = QUOTENAME(@loginname, '''')
SET @oldpassword = QUOTENAME(@old, '''')
SET @newpassword = QUOTENAME(@new, '''')
-- Construct the dynamic Transact-SQL.
-- If @new contains 128 characters, then @newpassword will be '123... n
-- where n is the 127th character.
-- Because the string returned by QUOTENAME() will be truncated,
-- it can be made to look like the following statement:
-- UPDATE Users SET password ='1234. . .[127] WHERE username=' -- other stuff here
SET @command = 'UPDATE Users set password = ' + @newpassword
+ ' where username =' + @login + ' AND password = ' + @oldpassword;
-- Execute the command.
EXEC (@command)
Therefore, the following statement will set the passwords of all users to the value that was passed in the previous code.
EXEC sp_MyProc '--', 'dummy', '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678'
You can force string truncation by exceeding the allocated buffer space when you use REPLACE(). The stored procedure that is created in the following example shows what can happen.
@loginname sysname,
@old sysname,
@new sysname
-- Declare variables.
DECLARE @login sysname
DECLARE @newpassword sysname
DECLARE @oldpassword sysname
DECLARE @command varchar(2000)
-- In the following statements, data will be truncated because
-- the buffers allocated for @login, @oldpassword and @newpassword
-- can hold only 128 characters, but QUOTENAME() can return
-- up to 258 characters.
SET @login = REPLACE(@loginname, '''', '''''')
SET @oldpassword = REPLACE(@old, '''', '''''')
SET @newpassword = REPLACE(@new, '''', '''''')
-- Construct the dynamic Transact-SQL.
-- If @new contains 128 characters, @newpassword will be '123...n
-- where n is the 127th character.
-- Because the string returned by QUOTENAME() will be truncated, it
-- can be made to look like the following statement:
-- UPDATE Users SET password='1234…[127] WHERE username=' -- other stuff here
SET @command= 'update Users set password = ''' + @newpassword + ''' where username='''
+ @login + ''' AND password = ''' + @oldpassword + '''';
-- Execute the command.
EXEC (@command)
As with QUOTENAME(), string truncation by REPLACE() can be avoided by declaring temporary variables that are large enough for all cases. When possible, you should call QUOTENAME() or REPLACE() directly inside the dynamic Transact-SQL. Otherwise, you can calculate the required buffer size as follows. For @outbuffer = QUOTENAME(@input), the size of @outbuffer should be 2*(len(@input)+1). When you use REPLACE() and doubling quotation marks, as in the previous example, a buffer of 2*len(@input) is enough.
The following calculation covers all cases:
While len(@find_string) > 0, required buffer size =
round(len(@input)/len(@find_string),0) * len(@new_string)
+ (len(@input) % len(@find_string))

Truncation When QUOTENAME(@variable, ']') Is Used

Truncation can occur when the name of a SQL Server securable is passed to statements that use the form QUOTENAME(@variable, ']'). The following example shows this.
@schemaname sysname,
@tablename sysname,
-- Declare a variable as sysname. The variable will be 128 characters.
-- But @objectname actually must allow for 2*258+1 characters.
DECLARE @objectname sysname
SET @objectname = QUOTENAME(@schemaname)+'.'+ QUOTENAME(@tablename)
-- Do some operations.
When you are concatenating values of type sysname, you should use temporary variables large enough to hold the maximum 128 characters per value. If possible, call QUOTENAME() directly inside the dynamic Transact-SQL. Otherwise, you can calculate the required buffer size as explained in the previous section.


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